After work on Thursday, I drove 180 miles down to Orlando which took me about 3 hours. I would have gotten there half an hour earlier if I had not decided to not follow AAA triptik directions
Friday was spent playing in Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom. I got to ride Everest this time in beautiful weather. I saw the new Finding Nemo Muiscal, rode the Dinosaur and Primeval Spin attractions and watch Mickey's Jamming Parade. I enjoyed watching the various birds (flamingos, toucans, and ducks) around the park. I even caught sight of an anteater. No matter how many times I see it, the Tree of Life contains the most beautiful and life-like carvings of animals.
After a good complimentary breakfast Saturday morning, I got back on the road to drive down to Miami. I had to make a pit stop in Tampa to pick up Panthera, fellow DH fan who entertained me on the drive down. 351 miles and 5 1/2 hours later, we arrived at our hotel. I had a slight panic attack when I happen to looked down at the gas gauge. There were three tick marks before the big E and we were in the middle of the Big Cypress Seminole Indian Reservation. All it was was a four land highway in a big swamp. Panthera did catch an alligator sunning himself. Thank goodness, we spotted the lovely green sign. When I pulled up to the gas pump, the car gave me a "bing" and the gas light came on *PHEW*.
Objective of Miami was to attend Sherrilyn Kenyon's book signing. My other objective was to also get books signed by Mary Stella. The hotel where the signing was just happen to be across the street from where we were staying. Both authors were surprised to see us, especially me as I live in New Jersey
All good things had to come to an end, Sunday was the long drive back north. After dropping off Panthera back in Tampa, I continued north to Jacksonville -- 493 miles and 8 hours later.
Besides the Animal Kingdom goodies -- alas, my passion for Disney pins has not waned -- and the Walmart books (got Lover Revealed; still unread), the biggest expenditure on this trip was gas. The car wanted to be fed regularly -- $78.76 to drive 1,074 miles. Hotel was free due to my hotel points. Car rental paid by my client. Animal Kingdom ticket was WDW Park Hopper ticket I paid for 3 years ago. Not too bad for a weekend
Tonight, I gotta see if I can read what Sherri wrote in my books