Monday, August 27, 2007

Kidnapped Pointy's Laptop

Yes, I really did kidnap Pointy's Laptop. I had to. My laptop which I desparately need for work was not coming back to me until midmorning Tuesday. *argh darn PM* gave me deadlines that I had to meet over the weekend and next couple of days. I could not afford to wait for my laptop to return.

You know. Pointy would still have a laptop this week (yes, it's with me until I return on Thursday) if they would just give me a new laptop. I would have gotten it back on Saturday. But no, I'm getting the same model I've had for the last three years. They have all the parts and just need to put something together. IT Docs had no problem moving my stuff to new harddrive with new software. *LOL* they got stumped by the wireless hardware. All the IT staff could not figure out why the wireless did not want to play in the same park.

I was crossing my fingers that they would not figure it out today and have to give me a brand new laptop. Alas, I got the call that my "new" old laptop is coming back to me via Priority Overnight.

And I'm typing this on the kidnapped laptop. *LOL* Thank goodness Pointy is so understanding. I spoke to her before stuffing it in the bag and we wondered what she use to do each night when she did not have one. *scratching our heads* don't know.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Sin, Sin, Sin

I read a blog from the author Mary Stella who said you get higher traffic on your blog if you talk about Sin. Wait second... rewind... now that I think about it. It's sex and not sin.

This is a very good time to talk about Sin. The Dark-Hunter named Sin that is. I can't wait until his book comes out -- 5 more days. Tuesday, August 7 cannot get here fast enough.

....and I get to meet Sin's creator *keeping my fingers crossed* Sherrilyn Kenyon Tuesday night. She will be autographing Sin's book, Devil May Cry at Menlo Park Mall in Woodbridge, New Jersey.

I've dedicated my MySpace Profile layout to Sin. Don't you just love that mug. If you interested in getting a similar MySpace layout, you can go to this page. I've put together a MySpace layout for Sin.


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Maytag Repairman

The Maytag Repairman, the guy in the blue uniform who winds up fixing other things because his company's appliances do not break, does not exist. Really, he does not exist. My news program proved it.

The newsperson reported about two individuals who had problems with a microwave and a refrigerator and the trials and tribulations in trying to get them fixed. Both appliances were still under warranty. Everytime they called for a repairperson they got a subcontractor.

They did not get any satisfaction until they called the newsperson. One got a new refridgerator by Whirlpool and a new GE microwave. The microwave was courtesy of Home Depot where the lady originally purchased the first microwave. Whirlpool is the parent company of Maytag.

The newsperson called Whirlpool and asked if where there were Maytag repair people. Company's response... they subcontract repair services. They do not have any repair service people. What a scam!?! That is what I call false advertisment. Whirlpool must have gotten rid of all of them when they absorbed the Maytag brand.