Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Joe Cocker's "I Gotta Get My Fred!"

Thank you, Dave for finding this. From my friend, David Williams...

"Nearly forty years ago Joe Cocker knocked the half-million love children at Woodstock on their butts with his rendition of the Beatles' "A Little Help From My Friends." I played that song on the radio a thousand times. Always loved it.

And now, thirty-nine years later, I finally know the lyrics.

This is, without a doubt, the funniest YouTube video ever!"

Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin

Well, the east coast is asleep and will wait up to this news.

RIP - George Carlin

I will miss the laughs you gave and made us think.

What to listen to after getting off a plane 3 hours ago

Airline Industry


Cable some and TV still a no-no:

Seven Words

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Welcome to Beijing

I got introduced to this by Marjorie Liu's Shanghai Blog (live version). It's been quite some time since I last heard a Chinese Song. It's sung in Mandarin if you were wondering. No, I do not speak Mandarin.

This is the theme song for Olympics 2008 to be held in China. You can watch the two versions I found on Youtuble.

Live version:

Video version:

If you were like me, I was curious as to what all those stars were singing. Oh, did you notice Jackie Chan. After viewing several links, here are the lyrics. I hope they are correct as I don't read the language either.

Let' s embrace another morning and enjoy its ever new air.

With the fragrance of tea, it smells different. But it feels great, full of friendship.

Our door is always open. We are waiting for you open-armed.

After a big hug, you'll feel close with us. And surely you will love this place.

Our guests, no matter where you come from, please feel at home.

We promised to get together here. So welcome!

We cultivate Chinese Evergreen in the garden. All the time, it is producing a new legend.

In the soil rich in traditions, we plant. Hope everything we plant here leaves you a great experience.

Our guests, no matter we've met before or not, please feel at ease.

Even if you have been here for many times, you won't feel bored 'cause we have vast new things for you.

Welcome to Beijing; we've done a lot for your visit.

Its charm in ever changing is full of life.

Welcome to Beijing; let's breathe together in the sunshine.

Let's establish new records here in China.

Our door is always open. We are open armed, ready to embrace the world.

5000-year-old China is flashing a youthful smile, waiting for the day.

Our guests, no matter where you come from, please feel at home.

We paint pictures and write poems to express the joy for your coming.

Welcome to Beijing; like moving music, our hospitality will warm your heart.

Let's try to challenge ourselves.

Welcome to Beijing; people who have dreams are all bravo.

If only you keep the courage, miracles will happen.

Welcome to Beijing; we've done a lot for your visit.

Its charm in ever changing is full of life.

Welcome to Beijing; let's breathe together in the sunshine.

Let's establish new records here in China.

Welcome to Beijing; like moving music, our hospitality will warm your heart.

Let's try to challenge ourselves.

Welcome to Beijing; people who have dreams are all bravo.

If only you keep the courage, miracles will happen.

Our door is always open. We are waiting for you open-armed.

After a big hug, you'll feel close with us. And surely you will love this place.

Our guests, no matter where you come from, please feel at home.

We promised to get together here. So welcome!

Welcome to Beijing; we've done a lot for your visit.

Its charm in ever changing is full of life.

Welcome to Beijing; let's breathe together in the sunshine.

Let's establish new records here in China.

Our door is always open. We are open armed, ready to embrace the world.

5000-year-old China is flashing a youthful smile, waiting for the day.

Our guests, no matter where you come from, please feel at home.

We paint pictures and write poems to express the joy for your coming.

Welcome to Beijing; like moving music, our hospitality will warm your heart.

Let's try to challenge ourselves.

Welcome to Beijing; people who have dreams are all bravo.

If only you keep the courage, miracles will happen.

Welcome to Beijing; we've done a lot for your visit.

Its charm in ever changing is full of life.

Welcome to Beijing; let's breathe together in the sunshine.

Let's establish new records here in China.

Welcome to Beijing; like moving music, our hospitality will warm your heart.

Let's try to challenge ourselves.

Welcome to Beijing; people who have dreams are all bravo.

If only you keep the courage, miracles will happen.

Welcome to Beijing; people who have dreams are all bravo.

If only you keep the courage, miracles will happen.

Welcome to Beijing; people who have dreams are all bravo.

If only you keep the courage, miracles will happen.

Lyrics were retrieved from this site: Yeu-Ca-Hat Demo Music.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


From my friend David William

"There are some things in life...

...which are totally void of significance
except that they make you happy to be alive.

This is one of them. Click Ray's picture. Enjoy his magic and let the music work."

If you were able to click on Ray's picture, it will bring you to this

You'll understand why I called this blog "Mastery". Plus I always loved this piece of music.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Book Reviews

I was checking out book reviews for some of my favorite authors.

How can you review a book before it has reached the marketplace? I understand about reviews from people who are lucky to have access ARC (advance reviewers copy). There are reviews out there where the book is given 5 stars, says it's a great series and that "I cannot wait for the book to come out". Huh?

Then there are the reviews where a book is given 5 stars so it offsets the reviews with 1 star. The verbiage in the 5 stars contain content about the stuff that was not liked. Huh? Worth 5 stars -- Huh?

Well, it's a great explanation for the word "fan" -- the shorten form of


Main Entry: fa·nat·ic
Pronunciation: ..fə-ˈna-tik..Variant(s): or fa·nat·i·cal ..-ti-kəl..
Function: adjective

Etymology: Latin fanaticus inspired by a deity, frenzied, from fanum temple
Date: 1550

: marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion [they're]fanatic about politics

Sunday, June 15, 2008


This started my hunt.

Pipe Dreams

This arrived in my emailbox as, you guessed it, bad spam. The story introducing it was so bad. It had to be spam. Yes, it was according to Snopes.

The piece you are looking is animated music, produced by Animusic.

Do you want to see more like these. Then head to YouTube. I think YouTube user Molotok loaded both volumes up.

Future Retro

Starship Groove

Monday, June 9, 2008

Contract Between Author and Reader

I came across a forum discussion about "Writer/Reader Contract". It's funny as it came at a time I just finished a book that is taking a beating from fans for the series.

I have to say the publisher and author did not come together on the marketing of this book. Only about a third of the book was about what was in the blurb, title and cover of the book. The funny thing... I don't even know what the blurb actually says. I got the ebook. It was an "autobuy" author. I totally enjoyed the book, and it's a good continuation of the series started five books ago.

I also hang on several author's forum and fan forums which discuss the books I read. Lots of readers post what they want the author to do, how the story/series should proceed. I get somewhat annoyed with these type of posts because the readers say if the author does not go this way I'm going to stop reading.

Who's story is it? Who is suppose to be writing the book?

The author's responsibility is to write the best story he/she can -- do what your muse says and not the readers (and preferably not your publisher).

The reader's responsibility is to keep an open mind and enjoy the story. Let the author take you into their world. If you can't, then just drop the book and move on. Stop moaning about how the author did not meet up to your standards and expectations of the book. It's not your story but the author's. Maybe it's time to part ways as author and reader have taken different forks in the road.

As each story the author shares with the public, he/she will keep current fans enthralled, pick up new fans and, sadly, even lose fans. The world still spins. There are still lots of authors out waiting for you to find them.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

J.K. Rowling Harvard Commencement Speech

J.K. Rowling Harvard Commencement Speech (080607)

Thanks to Marjorie Liu for pointing me to this very inspirational commencement speech.

J.K. Rowling on The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination. If you have the time, listen to the video rather than read the transcript as the transcript is not exact.

Thrill of Victory

RIP - Jim McCay

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Understand but Don't Gotta Like It

When I'm at a work site or get on my employer's Virtual Private Network (VPN) at home, all my favorite fun websites start to disappear. The latest one the Dark Hunter BBS. I check that BBS about two times or more during work hours.

I understand about no sexual sites, no file server sites, no social sites, no blog sites but my DH BBS which I've always been able to get to via VPN. I wonder when my other BBS will go, too. I wonder when they will catch on that I circumvented the no blog sites via my Google Reader.

I guess I should be doing my work instead of surfing. Maybe. It just means I will do more online shopping or maybe catching up on real life news. Nah, shopping or online games. Yeah, games But possibly when I'm on the work site.

'Cause at home. I'm dual laptops. One for work (VPN on) and one for play (no VPN). Guess which one I'm on more

Monday, June 2, 2008

I Caught One

Pointy is my primary source of email chain spam. I've taught my other sister to check the validity of chain spam on before spreading it some more. She checks Pointy's spam and let's everyone know whether it's good or not. Nice to know at least one of my siblings listens, once in awhile.

Well, the latest one did not require me to check it out on snopes. I recognized the pics that were used. I was lucky enough to spend some time examining the tree.

If you get an email containing pictures about an extraordinary tree in South Africa with great carvings, it does not reside in South Africa. It might reside in Africa, but not the continent. It's the Tree of Life from the Animal Kingdom in Walt Disney World. It's a beautiful man-made tree. The Discovery Channel even had a making of this tree episode.

I wonder how many gullible people there will be who think mother nature did all this beautfil work.

Oh, if you're interested in checking the tree out, go here --

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Argggh, can't make up mind

My cell phone contract came up for renewal last month. I can get a new phone for free or at a discount price. I know I'm staying with the same provider. Just can't make up my mind about the phones. Why are some of them bigger? They are suppose to be getting smaller and lighter!!! Not the other way around. Darn all those new fangle features.....