"Unknown Caller" is what comes up on the home phone caller id. We don't answer the phone if we don't know who it is.
I've been working from home for the last two weeks. Like an alarm clock, this unknown caller rings once in the morning and again in the afternoon. If it really is important, you should leave a message. Oh no, it rings and rings and rings until the answering machine picks up and UC hangs up.
I got fed up on Wednesday afternoon. I answered the phone and put UC on speakerphone. I did not say a word. I had Paula Dean from Food Network on. UC can be entertained by Paula.
Thursday morning. I'm on my laptop. I'm streaming Z100 radio station. UC calls.
It's Friday. No sign of UC. They must have finally gotten the message that this is not a worthwhile household to call
SOUTHNET is on the caller id. I don't know anything about Southnet. I think I'm going to give them the same treatment. They will either get silence, music or my fingers tapping on the keyboard.
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