Yes, I could clean up the laptop and maybe it would get some of its oomph back. I had a fear in doing this. What happens if I break it in the process? I would then have no computing power. I could still use my smartphone or tablets to access the Worldwide Web but nothing to deal with the files that have nothing to do with the internet.
Decision... Yes, a new computer is needed.
I called my brother and ask him what I should get. He said he would build me a super duper desktop. Hmmm... desktop. The last time I had one was 7-10 years ago. I never used it. At that time I was traveling every week, and I counted on the laptop to do everything. It was just too much of a hassle to move stuff back and forth. Now I'm home more and only disappear about 5 days a month. It's now the tablet that goes on my trips with me. They are leisure trips and I don't need any real computing power. I just need something to connect to the internet, access email, read books, or watch movies--the tablet fulfills this need.

I love love love my new desktop. It boots up from a SSD. Definitely no time to do anything else as my log in screen appears almost instantly. Programs run super duper fast. A 4-minute video would take about an hour or two to process on my laptop. While it would only take 5 minutes to process on my desktop.
I'm almost set hardware wise. I just need to get a wired mouse to remove the need to replace batteries and pickup mic/speaker adapter from my brother so I can use the mobile headphones I have laying around. I may add another hard drive or two as there's room in the housing.
Next computing adventure.... cleanup the laptop and see how much oomph returns.
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